Eng(Fill in the blanks with the correct *preposition.*)

2008-03-25 7:23 pm
Peter, John and Mary went camping last Saturday. It took them _____
least thirty minutes to walk _____ the campsite from the bus stop.When they got there,they found that the campsite was full _______ rubbish. They did
not give ________. They look _____ the map and found another campsite
not too far away. Then they went to seek______ the site. Finally they
arrived ___________the site.

回答 (2)

2008-03-25 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Peter, John and Mary went camping last Saturday. It took them at
leastthirty minutes to walk to the campsite from the bus stop.When theygot there,they found that the campsite was full of rubbish. Theydid
not give up . They look at the map and found another campsite
not too far away. Then they went to seek for the site. Finally they
arrived at the site.
2008-03-30 7:44 pm
The above answers are basically correct except "...They looked into the map and found another campsite not too far away..."

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