what major is harder? mathematics or statistics?

2008-03-25 5:44 am
Pure/applied math vs a degree in stats. NOT a math degree with emphasis on stats

回答 (3)

2008-03-28 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I found statistics to be much easier. The reason for this is because, while I'm good with most mathematic topics, non of them interest me very much, non linear dynamics is cool, but other than that it's just math. Statistics on the other hand I have found found to be very interesting and as a result I enjoyed my studies to date and will be continuing them as I work towards my PhD.

Don't worry about which major is more difficult. I can't do physics or chemistry, or literary work to save my life, yet the best in those field can do the statistics I can. Look for what will interest you the most. That will make your studies in enjoyable and easier because it won't seem like work.
2008-03-25 6:08 am
Statistics for sure! Good Luck! : )
2008-03-25 5:49 am

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