Why no body is promoting democracy in middle east countries (such as Saudi, Kuwait, ...) ?

2008-03-24 10:07 pm
We have been promting democracy everywhere in the world but I have never heard any body promoting democracy in middle east countries such as Saudi, Kuwait, ... Should we boycott their oil?

Thanks for the answers. If I understand correctly, if that country is our friend, we will be ok with their dictatorship (such as Saudi, Kuwait, ...) no matter what they do with their people; if that country is our enemy, we have to impose democracy on them, we have to impose sanctions on that country, we have to curse that country to death, ... . Is that correct ? I just wonder why my political science professor had never taught me this at college.


Also, please help me on this: If Saudi, Kuwait, ... are our friends, why don't they pump more oil to help reducing our gas price in this country ? If Saudi is our true friend, why does Saudi not allow us to station our troops in Saudi to support Iraq troops ?

回答 (6)

2008-03-24 10:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nor will you hear of anyone promoting democracy there. The US, the British and the rest of the G7 criminals will cosy up to any nightmare regime that they either need or are in debt to.

Be nice if we could boycott their oil - not sure how it could be done without turning our corrupt political class out once and for all.

We can do quite a lot to bring the Chinese fascists to account, though - we don't need the rubbish they are unloading on us to destroy our industries. As most of this is retail junk, this is one theatre of economic war where the people can fight and win.

En avant, mes braves!
2008-03-25 5:11 am
those countries are our friends.
2008-03-25 5:23 am
"We" as in the USA/UK? First of all Bush's mistake has not been eliminating Saddam but thinking, and still believing, muslims want to live in a Democracy! Secondly, the USA is now in a temporary economic slump and should suspend all efforts to change muslims.
2008-03-25 5:16 am
boycott their oil??

do be serious, what would we run our cars on then?

Also, these countries may not be the most democratic in the world, but their certainly not the worst countries out there: we have far more problems with countries like Iran, who have a fake democracy...Saudi does nothing to hurt us, why should we take any notice of them? As long as they are not trying to nuke us or anything, we should let them get on with it, they'll probably end up with a democracy soon enough, without our interference anyway.
2008-03-25 5:11 am
whatever happened to america's satellite state, israel?
2008-03-25 5:27 am
Dictatorships are ok...as long as they are OUR dictatorships...the west set most of them up and supported them.....but if they think for themselves...then they become a rouge state and need democracy and freedom...

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