
2008-03-25 6:41 am
Chinese-medium students face varsity handicap
The Education Bureau should allow schools more flexibility in the choice of language...
The Education Bureau is reported to be sitting on a report which shows that students from Chinese-medium secondary schools have a 75 percent less chance of entering the University of Hong Kong when compared with students from English-medium schools.Their chances of entering other universities are 50 percent less,according to a series of series of comparative studies commissioned by the government........

The education reform at the time had caused caused concern among parents with some families sending their children abroad and others switching from government to international schools.

......Even for students who had similar academic performances in primary schools,those from Chinese-medium secondary schools were 20 percent lower in their English proficiency than their counterparts from English medium schools.The gap continued to widen as the students grew older,the report shows.

There are currently about 400 government-funded secondary schools but only a quarter of them use English as the medium of instruction.

Tsang Wing-kwong,a professor in the Chinese University's department of educational administration and policy and one of the researchers,said:''The Education Bureau should allow schools more flexibility in the choice of language.It should be determined by the school subjects and the special needs of students.''

Tsang said the current setting would undermine the confidence of students from Chinese-medium secondary schools in practicing and learning English......

回答 (3)

2008-03-25 6:50 am
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曾榮江,一位教授在教育管理和政策的中國大學系和其中一位研究員中,說 : 教育局在語言選擇應該提供學校更多靈活性。應該課題和學生的特別需要取決於它。

2008-03-25 8:33 am
中國媒介學生面孔varsity 障礙教育局應該允許學校更多靈活性在語言選擇... 教育局被報告坐在表示的報告, 學生從中國媒介中學有較少進入香港大學的機會與學生比較從進入其它大學的英國媒介學校.他們的機會是百分之50 的一百分之75, 根據比較研究一系列的系列由政府委任........
2008-03-25 7:02 am
中國媒介學生面孔varsity 障礙
教育局被報告坐在表示的報告, 學生從中國媒介中學有一百分之75 較少機會進入香港大學與學生比較從英國媒介學校。
...... 為有相似的學術表現在小學的學生, 那些從中國媒介中學比他們的相對物從英國媒介schools.The 空白繼續加寬因為是百分之20 更低在他們的英國熟練學生增長更老, 報告顯示。
有大約400 當前政府資助了中學但唯一他們四分之一用途英語作為指示媒介。
Tsang 翼kwong, 一位教授在教育管理和政策的中國大學系和研究員的當中一個, said:''The 教育局中應該允許更多靈活性在language.It 選擇應該由課題和學生特別需要確定的學校。"
Tsang 認為當前的設置會破壞學生信心從中國媒介中學用實踐的和學習的英語......

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