dioxide and monoxide

2008-03-25 3:54 am
1. 點解carbon reduction要加limestone既?
2. 最尾果句carbon dioxide reduces iron(III) oxide in the ore,點解係carbon dioxide? 但係下面chemical equation又用carbon monoxide?
3. chemical equation入面,carbon monoxide係幾時先會用架,同dioxide又有咩分別?

回答 (2)

2008-03-25 5:14 am
There is acidic impurities in the iron, limestone(CaCO3)under strong heating,can change to Calcium oxide and cardon dioxide.CaCO3----->CaO+CO2
佢錯,答案並不一定係正確的,話說香港的出書係為賺錢,而非為教育用途,所以d答案唔係太認真去校核對,以致有時出錯。carbon dioxide已經係CO2,唔可以再加Oxgen入去了(呢個reaction唔會出carbonate)。所以carbon monoxide先正確。除了Carbon可以reduce metal oxide,carbon momoxide,hydrogen可以。
3)carbon dioxide已經不能再react了,多數都係chemical equation的右方(product),而carbon monoxide係可以被oxidize,變成carbon dioxide。

2008-03-24 21:15:47 補充:
CaO can neutralize the acidic impurities to prevent the iron reoxide into oxide by acid in high temperature .

2008-03-24 21:20:22 補充:
There is a chain reaction. carbon dioxide first react with
coke to form carbon monoxide. then carbon monoxide
react with the ore.
如果佢寫carbon dioxide react with coke to form carbon monoxide to reduce iron(III) oxide,那就正確了。而家係講CO2 reduceFe2O3,所以就錯了。

2008-03-24 21:21:01 補充:

2008-03-24 21:21:44 補充:
參考: Myself
2008-03-25 5:12 am
1. limestone may react with some impurities in the ore.
2. there is a chain reaction. carbon dioxide first react with
coke to form carbon monoxide. then carbon monoxide
react with the ore.
3. reduction of the ore requires carbon monoxide.
carbon monoxide is a reduction agent. but carbon dioxide
is not.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 20:24:49
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