RUNESCAPE collect bank

2008-03-25 3:52 am
click個collect bank之後佢但左個框出離,點用架?

回答 (4)

2008-03-25 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案

2008-03-29 08:59:54 補充:
你去到varrock big bank到,會見到佢update左,多左個後門!行出左個後門,跟住果條路一路行,就會見到Grand Exchange嫁啦。但係你要同係門口果條友講下野,先用到Grand Exchange嫁!入到去,就禁Exchange...(唔記得係咩啦),買就禁buy,賣就禁sell。Buy既你要打果樣野既名,sell就禁係你工具箱既你要sell既野。
當有人buy/sell你既野,你就可以係果到攞番。如果唔係果到,就要用banker既collect bank啦,唔係樓下咁講,member先用到既!佢應該係唔識用...
參考: , me
2008-03-29 5:07 pm
if u buy something in grand exchnage and u didnt take things the thing u buy to ur inventory, u can take
the item out in everybank.
e.g. meelee combat tutor buy a training sword in grand exchange but he forgot to take it and he now is at
lummy. he went to the lummy castle bank and click collect optioon to recieve the training sword
2008-03-26 12:03 am
u guys are wrong........the coll bank is F2p and P2P,and is for people who
buy/sell things in G.E. and coll their money or stuff at the coll bank(can
faster coll it...

p.s. coll=collect!
參考: myorc and my brain
2008-03-25 8:08 pm
collect bank member才用到的。

2008-03-25 15:22:48 補充:
或者Gared Eechach

2008-03-27 12:46:45 補充:
應該是`Grand Exchange`!

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