pls translate into chinese~(pls do not use the website!)

2008-03-25 2:56 am
Is it to refresh the body? Not really. Researchers have yet to find any vital biological function that sleep restores. As far as anyone can tell, muscles don't need sleep, just intermittent periods of relaxation. The rest of the body chugs along seemingly unaware of whether the brain is asleep or awake.
Is it to refresh the mind? That's closer to the mark. The brain benefits from a good night's sleep. But there is no agreement among sleep researchers about what form that benefit takes. One theory is that sleep allows the brain to review and consolidate all the streams of information it gathered while awake. Another suggests that we sleep in order to allow the brain to stock up on fuel and flush out wastes. A third, which has been gaining currency, is that sleep operates in some mysterious way to help you master various skills, such as how to play the piano and ride a bike

susanlau, may i ask for your e-mail~ [email protected] thanks!

回答 (1)

2008-03-26 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
睡眠的作用是讓身體恢復活力嗎? 其實也不全對. 至今科學家仍未確定人體有哪一項功能是通過睡眠來恢復的. 一般人都知道, 肌肉不需要睡眠, 只需要間歇性的休息. 此外, 無論腦部處於睡眠還是清醒的狀態, 身體其他功能也一樣運行.
睡眠的作用是讓頭腦恢復活力嗎? 這說法就比較準確. 質量好的睡眠對腦部有利, 可是, 科學家對於睡眠對腦部有甚麼好處仍未有公論. 有人說睡眠讓腦部整合日間吸收的資訊, 有人說睡眠讓腦部補充能量和排除廢物. 另有一派越來越受到注意的說法, 就是睡眠具有神奇功能, 有助於人學習彈鋼琴或騎自行車等技能.

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