fast food = junk good?

2008-03-25 1:42 am
fast food = junk good?

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Pardon Me : You've done a great job in the similiarties of Fast food and Junk food.Could you bring out some difference of them, or you just think that "Fast food= Junk food"?

回答 (2)

2008-03-25 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 ) Junk food is food that is unhealthy and/or has poor nutritional value. Fast food is also unhealthy and has poor nutritional value.

2) Junk food contains high levels of saturated fat, salt, or sugar and numerous food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine; at the same time, it is lacking in proteins, vitamins and fibre, among other healthy attributes.
Fast food is the same thing.

3) Fast food is popular to students and children, so does Junk food.

4) Fast food is easy to consume, so does Junk food.
參考: google and myself.
2008-04-05 11:14 pm
我地周不時都講小買部買JUCK FOOD,點解吾講FAST FOOD呢?
係因為FAST FOOD多數係售買係餐廳等食店
FAST FOOD係代替了我們的常餐
而JUNK FOOD則是飯前或飯後,肚餓時既小食
To conclude,both of them are unhealthy and different.
after all .they are not good ''food''

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