美國Business Universtiy

2008-03-25 1:39 am
大家好呀, 我今年係美國一個private college 讀緊第一年. major 係business 同埋computer science. 我應該主要讀business 先. 聽講college 冇universty 咁好. 我又唔知美國邊d U讀Buisness 好, 如果你話ucla, 咁可能會太貴啦. :( . 因為聽講有d gpa or credit 係transfer 唔到><, 所以有d驚同迷茫, 唔講對呢方面有d認識既幫幫手. 俾下d大學既資料. 我想讀完書番黎香港做野. 希望間大學讀完係會承認啦. 唔該曬!!!

我想知埋價錢大既幾大, 我只係中等家庭, 大貴負擔唔到呀>< 唔該


我宜家係係Sioux Falls , Souuth Dakota, 你可能都未聽過, 佢係美國中部, 成日都落雪, 冬天個陣仲去到-25度, 凍死人, 好唔鐘意. 學校質素, 同價錢為首選, (當然仲好番稷香港都有人知先啦!) 第3樣就係睇天氣啦. 凍真係好唔得. 一出去室外就好痛苦 :( 麻煩你地俾D意見,THX

回答 (3)

2008-03-28 8:41 am
I don&#39;t know which state you are currently staying, it may affect your choice of university. However, if you are an international student and looking for good university with reputable undergraduate business program, I will recommend both University of Texas, Austin and Texas A&M University. Both universities are well known in the States and Asia and their programs are amongst the top 25 in the States. Most important of all, the tuition of the two universities is around 12,000 US dollars per year for international students which is considered to be a bargain.

Keep this in mind, both colleges have very stringent requirements for out-of-state transfer applicants. You shall maintain GPA of at least 3.5 in order to be considered for admission.

For your information, UCLA doesn&#39;t offer undergraduate business program.
2008-03-27 11:14 pm
As I have done so much research on undergrad (business major), I know it is difficult to attend a university in the States. UCLA is one of the best public schools in the States, and its tuition is considered very low in the States. Because well-known US schools that are recognized in Hong Kong have very expensive tuition. Schools that previous member mentioned, just to name a few UPenn, Notre Dame, MIT, Emory, NYU, Gerogetown are around $30000USD per year just for tuition. You may consider UVA, UMichigan Illinois and Berkeley with much fame and lower tuition fee. However, it is a reminder to you that these famous schools are super competitive. It is pretty true that most famous business programs are in universities, unless you are getting into Liberal Arts colleges like Williams and Amherst. You can always apply for Financial Aid (FA), but it is a must that you have a suberp GPA in college and stellar extracirricular activities. It is even more competitive if you are a international student. I am not here to discourage, but just to give you plain advice.
2008-03-25 2:40 am
USNews - 2008 Best Undergraduate Business Programs

2008 Best Undergraduate Business Programs (top 25)

Rank / School / Peer assessment score
( 5.0 = highest)

1. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 4.9
2. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (Sloan) 4.7
3. University of CaliforniaBerkeley (Haas) * 4.5
3. University of MichiganAnn Arbor * 4.5
5. New York University (Stern) 4.3
5. U. of North CarolinaChapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) * 4.3
7. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.2
7. University of TexasAustin (McCombs) * 4.2
9. Univ. of Southern California (Marshall) 4.1
9. University of Virginia (McIntire) * 4.1
11. Indiana UniversityBloomington (Kelley) * 4.0
12. Cornell University (NY) 3.9
12. Emory University (Goizueta) (GA) 3.9
12. Ohio State UniversityColumbus (Fisher) * 3.9
12. U. of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign * 3.9
12. Univ. of WisconsinMadison * 3.9
12. Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) 3.9
18. Pennsylvania State U.University Park (Smeal) * 3.8
18. Univ. of MinnesotaTwin Cities (Carlson) * 3.8
18. University of Notre Dame (IN) 3.8
21. Georgetown University (McDonough) (DC) 3.7
21. Purdue Univ.West Lafayette (Krannert) (IN)* 3.7
21. University of Arizona (Eller) * 3.7
21. Univ. of MarylandCollege Park (Smith) * 3.7
25. Arizona State University (Carey) * 3.6
25. University of Washington * 3.6

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