William Shakespeare 的填充題

2008-03-25 12:15 am
1. Shakespeare also wrote a lot of s_____, poems with 14 lines only.
2.The first theatre was probably built in 1576 in England and was simply called The T_____.
3.His plays told us some important t______ such as how a country should be run and the
relationships within families and between men and women.
4.Plays were performed in the a_____ by men and boys.
5.The king, nobles, landlords and rich people ast in g___ above the stage while the poor
people stood on the ground.



4 & 5應該不是abbey和groundling.


第五條"rich people ast in g___ above "的"ast"應該是"sat"才對.

回答 (1)

2008-03-25 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. sonnet
2. The Theatre (而家有人叫佢做 Globe Threatre)
3. tradition
4. abbey (?)
5. groundling (?)


2008-03-24 21:56:57 補充:
4. arena
5. gallery [means (教室,會館等的)樓座, (劇場等最便宜的)頂層樓座]

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