
2008-03-25 12:09 am
Based on the popular cartoon character of the same name, "Inspector Gadget" is a wild and quirky adventure comedy about a somewhat naive and inept security guard, John Brown, whose big heart is equal to his far-fetched dreams of becoming the world's greatest police officer. However, nothing is impossible. Suddenly, unexpected circumstances make him the ideal candidate for a top secret law enforcement project, and pretty scientist Dr. Brenda Bradford applies her expertise in robotics to build him into a man of many talents -- and accessories. Using a vast array of grafted-on gizmos and doohickies to bust bad guys, the often clueless Inspector Gadget must also employ all his common sense to crack an especially complicated case. As he penetrates Riverton City's darkest underworld, Inspector Gadget must save not only his good name and reputation, but also rescue the world from the nefarious Claw.解釋

回答 (3)

2008-03-25 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
"巡視員機器人"是根據同名流行卡通人物創作的,講述一位純真無邪又有點不稱職的警衛員-約翰‧布朗這嚜一位心胸寬廣如同他的遙不可及的夢想-想當世界上最偉大的警察長官的人所經曆的瘋狂而離奇的驚險喜劇故事。總之,沒有什麼事情是不可能的。突如其來的、意想不到的外來因素促使他擁有了一個理想的一級機密法律計劃執行者候選人的身分,漂亮的科學家布倫達‧布拉德福駕馭她所掌握的機器人制造專業技術使他成為擁有各種才幹的男人。-- 還有附件,可指揮大量植入諸多小機關及小武器?的部隊來懲治壞傢伙。平日裡笨拙無能的巡視員機器人必須使儘他所有的常識來偵破每一個復雜的案件。當他看穿Riverton城黑社會的陰謀時,巡查員機器人不僅要挽回他個人的好名聲及大眾評價,而且還必須將整個世界從那罪惡的魔爪之下解救出來。

2008-03-24 17:19:54 補充:

As he penetrates Riverton City's darkest underworld, Inspector Gadget must save not only his good name and reputation, but also rescue the world from the nefarious Claw.

當他發覺Riverton城黑社會的存在時,… 魔爪之下解救出來。

2008-03-24 17:21:34 補充:
As he penetrates Riverton City's darkest underworld, Inspector Gadget must save not only his good name and reputation, but also rescue the world from the nefarious Claw


2008-03-24 17:41:01 補充:

參考: 自己
2008-03-30 12:59 am
根據同樣名字的普遍的漫畫人物, "審查員小配件" 是一個狂放和古怪的冒險喜劇關於一名有些天真和不適當的治安警衛, 約翰・布朗, 大心臟與適合世界的最了不起的警察他牽強附會的夢想是相等的。但是, □什麼是不可能的。突然, 意想不到的情況做他理想的候選人為一個秘密執法項目, 並且俏麗的科學家博士Brenda 布雷得佛申請她的專門技術在機器人學方面修造他入許多天分-- 和輔助部件的一個人。使用浩大的一些嫁接在小玩意兒和doohickies 猛擊壞人, 經常沒有線索的審查員小配件必須並且使用所有他的常識崩裂特別複雜的案件。因為他擊穿Riverton 市的最黑暗的地獄, 審查員小配件必須保存不僅他的好名字和名譽, 而且搶救世界從惡毒爪。
參考: me
2008-03-25 12:12 am

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