Profit Tax - profit from buy/sell of listed shares

2008-03-25 12:07 am
我想問如果一個individual係hk stock exchange buy and sell shares 而gain 左profit.. 咁個profit subject to HK profit tax 嗎?

但係我係 HK IRD 個WEBSITE度睇到, 佢話 Profits from the purchase and sale of listed shares --> Taxable if the stock exchange where the shares are bought and sold is located in Hong Kong 我就係覺得strange... 唔通咁都要tax?? 定係如個individual buy ge 話... 咁就唔算係trading.. 所以唔會subject to profit tax?


thanks 集思廣益譜新章 ... capital gain or loss in hk is not subject to any tax in hk?? besides, what's BR

回答 (4)

2008-03-25 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢個唔關profit tax事
Profit tax係同company收既
要考慮既只係佢count唔count gdp/gnp
2008-03-25 1:05 am
It is a normal practice that buying and selling stock by an individual is regarded as a personal investment for long-term basis. It is therefore not regarded as a trading in nature and therefore not subject to profits tax. It is regarded as a capital in nature whether this is a gain or a loss. So no gain or loss is given or allowed for tax purposes.
Think of it, if this is a trading in nature, then we have to obtain a BR. Any gain or loss could then be taxed or set-off against future profits on stock trading under the profits tax.

2008-03-26 10:42:54 補充:
BR = Business Registration Certificate

2008-03-26 10:51:45 補充:
No capital gain tax nor capital loss set-off in Hong Kong.
You are not deemed to carry on a trading business and thus no trading receipts or incomes be derived.
2008-03-25 12:40 am
但係我係 HK IRD 個WEBSITE度睇到, 佢話
Profits from the purchase and sale of listed shares --> Taxable if the stock exchange where the shares are bought and sold is located in Hong Kong
我就係覺得strange... 唔通咁都要tax??
定係如個individual buy ge 話... 咁就唔算係trading.. 所以唔會subject to profit tax?
2008-03-25 12:25 am
因香港沒有資產增值稅, 故一個individual係hk stock exchange buy and sell shares 而gain 左profit.. 咁個profit , 是不需交稅的!

如有問題, 請Email, [email protected] 比我.

Best regards,

Samson So

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