
2008-03-25 12:06 am
1. 撞擊的物體會彈開而淨止的物體亦彈開
2. 撞擊的物體會淨止而淨止的物體會彈開
3. 撞擊的物體會跟淨止的物體一起向前移動

一:請問還有沒有第4 或更多情況?


回答 (4)

2008-03-25 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實,總括來說,只有一種情況:就是被撞的淨止物體向前移動。至於撞擊的物體會因應撞擊的特性(elasticity 及 energy loss)而得出你所說的三種不同情況。

從物理的角度來考慮時,我們暫且忽略空氣阻力,磨擦力等等的外力,設撞擊的物體質量為 m1 ,撞前速度為 vi1,撞後速度為 vf1,設被撞物體的質量為 m2 ,撞後速度為 vf2 ,根據動量守衡:

m1 vi1 = m1 vf1 + m2 vf2 ... (1)


1/2 m1 vi12 >= 1/2 m1 vf12 + 1/2 m2 vf22 ... (2)

而如果只考慮撞擊的物體,它在撞擊時會受到被撞的物體的向後作用力,所以 vf1 一定不等於 vi1,而從式(2),我們可以得出:

vi1 > vf1 ...(3)

我們取 vi1 為正方向,所以就算撞擊的物體在撞擊後以反方向移動,式 (3) 還是正確。

從 (1),得到 vf2 = m1 (vi1 - vf1) / m2 ...(4)

加上 (3),我們便得到 vf2 > 0 (或者,我們可以單單考慮被撞的物體,受著撞擊物體的作用力,它必會向前移動,vf2 > 0)

所以,被撞的物體撞擊後一定向前走,如果 m2 是十分大(例如地球)從式(4),可以得出十分小的 vf2 ,雖然是十分小,但是還是大過零。

而撞擊的物體會因應撞擊的特性(如能量的損耗等)及物體的質量而有不同的情況,即是 vf1 可以是正數、零、甚至是負數,代表了向前移動(vf1>0),淨止(vf1=0)或向後移動(vf1<0)。而向前移可以再細分為兩個物體一起向前移動 (vf1=vf2>0) 及分開移動 (vf2 > vf1 > 0)。

所以有很多不同的條件都會得出你所說的不同情況,為了簡化,我們通常會只考慮彈性碰撞(elastic collision)(即是能量沒有損失)及完全非彈性碰撞(complete inelastic collision),即是撞擊後兩物體連接在一起 (vf1=vf2)

在 elastic collisoion 中,式 (2) 會寫成

1/2 m1 vi12 = 1/2 m1 vf12 + 1/2 m2 vf22

=> m1 vi12 - m1 vf12 = m2 vf22
=> m1 (vi1 - vf1) (vi1 + vf1) = m2 vf22
=> m1 (vi1 - vf1) (vi1 + vf1) = m2 (m1 (vi1 - vf1) / m2)2
=> vi1 + vf1 = (m1 / m2) (vi1 - vf1)
=> vf1 = [(m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)] vi1

所以,如果,m1 = m2 ,撞擊的物體會變為淨止。如果 m1 > m2 ,撞擊的物體會繼續向前移動。如果 m1 < m2 ,撞擊的物體會向反方向移動。

而完全非彈性碰撞,便是你所說的第三種情況,即是 vf1=vf2。

其實,以上只是考慮了一維 (one-dimension)的碰撞,如果物體不是正面撞擊另一物體,很多時我們要考慮兩維(two-dimension)的運動,兩件物體會分別一左一右的向兩邊移動。又或者物體不是 rigid body,一撞之下便分解,那麼我們便有其他不同的情況。但是在會考程度,你所說的三種情況已經足夠了。

2008-03-27 09:24:28 補充:

2008-03-28 09:21:42 補充:
=> vi1 + vf1 = (m1 / m2) (vi1 - vf1)
=> m2 (vi1 + vf1) = m1 (vi1 - vf1)
=> m2 vi1 + m2 vf1 = m1 vi1 - m1 vf1
=> m2 vf1 + m1 vf1 = m1 vi1 - m2 vi1
=> (m2 + m1) vf1 = (m1 - m2) vi1
=> vf1 = [(m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)] vi1

只是重組數式 in terms of vf1 罷了
2008-03-25 2:50 am


三.撞擊的物體A會彈開而靜止的物體B亦彈開:以球桿快速打擊白波A中點以下及將桿後拉,白球會在打擊球B中央後,白球向後退而球 B則向前滾,這是由於白球有向下旋使白球因旋轉兩向後退;又或白球不是打在球B中央而是偏左或偏右,則兩球會分向左右彈出。



2008-03-25 1:49 am
consider there is ball1 and ball 2
Here are the reasons:
2)Consider ball2 is at rest before,if the mass of two balls is the same and ball 1 collides with ball 2,then ball1 would saty at rest and ball2 would bounces off after collsion
(this is an example of Newton cradle)
3)Consider ball2 is at rest before,if the mass of ball1 is much greater than ball 2 and ball1 collides with ball2,then they both moves forward after collsion
4)Consider ball2 is at rest before,if the mass of ball1 is much less than the mass of ball2 and ball1 collides with ball2,then after collsion,ball 2 would stay at rest while ball 1 would bounces off
Actually,the above resons can be found by the conservation of momentum and energy
After simplification:
where v is the velcity of ball2 after collsion,U is the intial velcity of ball1,m is the mass of ball2,M is the mass of ball1
This formula can explain the above situations too
To see detailed simplification,plz go to http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7008032400099
sorry,I don't know the reson of situation 1

2008-03-24 18:19:54 補充:
note that there is something typed wrong in the website,sorry

2008-03-24 20:47:02 補充:
2)if ball2 has greater mass, there is not the same result
becausev=(2UM)/(m+M) ,and M=m,
so ball2 move with U after collision
conservation of momentum:
M:mass of ball1,m:mass of ball2,U:speed of ball1 before,v:speed of ball1 after collision
V:speed of ball 2 after collision

2008-03-24 20:47:23 補充:
上述situation 都是elastic collision,energy would loss,accounts for most collsions
我是從1 A-level 書看到的,你也可去看看:Mastering advanced physics:p.48

2008-03-24 20:52:53 補充:
(4)after collision,ball2 的動能正好被消耗左呱......

2008-03-24 21:01:19 補充:
應說(3) and (4) 都有D energy loss=.=

2008-03-25 15:03:22 補充:
Tc is correct
至於撞擊的物體會因應撞擊的特性(elasticity 及 energy loss)而得出你所說的三種不同情況
(from Tc)

2008-03-25 23:38:28 補充:
no.the book said elastic collision have some energy loss
參考: me
2008-03-25 1:10 am
1. i think the fourth incident is that both do not move.
it is a special case. when you consider the earth is an object,
when you drop a book on the ground, the book will fall on
the ground and do not rebounce.
2. you can consider the cases by the conservation of
momentum. for the fourth case, the mass of the earth is so large
that no movement can be observed.

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