consider there is ball1 and ball 2
Here are the reasons:
2)Consider ball2 is at rest before,if the mass of two balls is the same and ball 1 collides with ball 2,then ball1 would saty at rest and ball2 would bounces off after collsion
(this is an example of Newton cradle)
3)Consider ball2 is at rest before,if the mass of ball1 is much greater than ball 2 and ball1 collides with ball2,then they both moves forward after collsion
4)Consider ball2 is at rest before,if the mass of ball1 is much less than the mass of ball2 and ball1 collides with ball2,then after collsion,ball 2 would stay at rest while ball 1 would bounces off
Actually,the above resons can be found by the conservation of momentum and energy
After simplification:
where v is the velcity of ball2 after collsion,U is the intial velcity of ball1,m is the mass of ball2,M is the mass of ball1
This formula can explain the above situations too
To see detailed simplification,plz go to
sorry,I don't know the reson of situation 1
2008-03-24 18:19:54 補充:
note that there is something typed wrong in the website,sorry
2008-03-24 20:47:02 補充:
2)if ball2 has greater mass, there is not the same result
becausev=(2UM)/(m+M) ,and M=m,
so ball2 move with U after collision
conservation of momentum:
M:mass of ball1,m:mass of ball2,U:speed of ball1 before,v:speed of ball1 after collision
V:speed of ball 2 after collision
2008-03-24 20:47:23 補充:
上述situation 都是elastic collision,energy would loss,accounts for most collsions
我是從1 A-level 書看到的,你也可去看看:Mastering advanced physics:p.48
2008-03-24 20:52:53 補充:
(4)after collision,ball2 的動能正好被消耗左呱......
2008-03-24 21:01:19 補充:
應說(3) and (4) 都有D energy loss=.=
2008-03-25 15:03:22 補充:
Tc is correct
至於撞擊的物體會因應撞擊的特性(elasticity 及 energy loss)而得出你所說的三種不同情況
(from Tc)
2008-03-25 23:38:28 補充:
no.the book said elastic collision have some energy loss