math problem

2008-03-24 9:59 pm
plz solve this ......plz show process...thx

but the problem is asking to answer it in iterated integral

回答 (1)

2008-03-24 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the equation of the oblique line is y =3x
so the integral is
(12-3x) dx with limit form 0 to 4
=(12x- 3/2 x^2) with limit form 0 to 4
=(12*4 -3/2 * 4^2) - (12*0 - 3/2 * 0^2)

Please tell me if it is not clear enough

2008-03-24 15:25:40 補充:
The following is using double integral
the equation of the oblique line is y =3x
integrate from 0 to 4 [integrate from 3x to 12 (1)]dy dx
=integrate from 0 to 4 [y from 3x to 12 ]dx
=integrate from 0 to 4 (12-3x)dx
=(12x- 3/2 x^2) from 0 to 4
=(12*4 -3/2 * 4^2) - (12*0 - 3/2 * 0^2)
參考: my math knowledge

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