F2.Maths(20 points)

2008-03-24 9:02 pm

1.For two consecutive multiples of 5, the smaller number is greater than half of the larger one.Find the least values of these two numbers.

2.In a competition, 2 marks are given for each correct answer and 1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer. Mandy has answered 12 questions and her score is greater than 12 marks.Find the least number of questions she has answered correctly.

回答 (3)

2008-03-24 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Let the smaller value be 5n, then the larger value is 5n+5
5n greater (5n+5)/2
10n greater 5n+5
5n greater 5
n great 1
so the least value of n is 2
the least value of two number is 10 and 15

2. Let the no. of questions she has answered correctly be x
then the no. of questions she has answered wrongly is 12-x

2x -(12-x) greater 12
3x -12 greater 12
3x greater 24
x greater 8

so the least number of questions she has answered correctly is 9
參考: my math knowledge
2008-03-24 11:00 pm
Answer: Let n be any number, so that

Since there are two consecutive mulitples of 5,

let the smaller number is 5n
and then next number is 5n+5

and the smaller number is greater than half of the larger one

therefore 5n > (5n+5)/2

10n > 5n + 5
5n > 5

If the consecutive multiples are integers, then n = 2

The consecutive mutiples are 10 and 15

(Model Answer)

However, if the consecutive mutiples are real numbers, then n = 1.00000000....1

The consecutive mutiples are 5.0000000......5 and 10.00000000.......5

(Funny Answer)

2) Let C be number of correct answers and I be the number of Incorrect Answer

C + I = 12 ( Mandy answered total 12 questions, which is the
Total correct and incorrect answered questions)

I = 12 - C

Total correct answers earned 2 x C = 2C marks
Total Incorrect answers deducted - 1 x I = - I marks
= - (12 - C) marks
= C - 12 marks

If Mandy scored greater than 12 marks

2C + (C - 12) > 12

3C > 24

C > 8

Mandy must correctly answer more than 8 questions

Mandy answered 9 questions corrects AT LEAST.
2008-03-24 9:32 pm
1. let 5x and 5x+5 be two consecutive multiples of 5, where x is a positive integers.
2(5x) > 5x+5
10x - 5x > 5
5x > 5
x > 1
the least value of x is 2
5(2) and 5(2)+5
therefore, the least values of these two numbers is 10 and 15.

2. let x be each correct answer and x/2 be each incorrect answer, where x is a positive integers.
x + x/2 > 12
3x > 24
x > 8
therefore, she at least answerd 9 question correctly.
參考: From my own calculation

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