How much are the Navy and Marine Corp separated ?

2008-03-24 3:32 am
I'm joining the navy next year when i graduate and I've been doing quite a bit of reading about the service but I'm confused about the separation of the Navy and the Marines
From what I've read they share a budget and they seem to work together in many aspects but there also seems to be just as many ways of disassociating themselves.

回答 (8)

2008-03-24 10:19 pm
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The "Department of the Navy" includes 2 main parts: the US Marine Corps and the "Navy Department." Budgetory authority is mostly separate. Both the Navy and Marines are represented on the Joint Chiefs of Staff by their respective senior officers, so they often appear as completely separate services which they are not.

As a prospective JAG officer you might be attached to either Navy or USMC commands, but you will not have to make your request for either assignment until you finish Officer Indoctrination School in Newport, RI. Most Navy and Marine bases are located near one another and there are many Marines assigned to Navy bases and vice-versa. The main difference to keep in mind, however, that nearly 25% of all US Marines are home-based in Okinawa, and there are few Navy folks there.

There are certain military cultural differences between all the services, with the Marines being by far the most "gung-ho" and strict. Working as a JAG, however, you'll basically be treated much more as a lawyer than as either a sailor or a marine.

I was a career Naval Officer and some of my best friends were Marine Officers. Marines are great people, but so are Navy. The junior enlisted of the 2 services have their share of conflicts, but the longer they're in the more they respect, understand, and appreciate one another.

Good luck with your finals and the bar exam. Thank you very much for considering service to our great nation.
2008-03-24 3:40 am
If you join the navy you'll find the Marines to be just a minor annoyance. Most of them are pretty good guys and gals, and God knows a Marine with a rifle in his/her hands is one of the most deadly things on this Earth. It's just that they don't know squat about running ships or getting from point A to point B.

I spent 6 years in the "Gator Navy" hauling them around the Pacific Ocean. If you find yourself in a similar situation be kind to them. They don't know any better.

Typical Marine on a ship...."What's this line for?"
參考: Retired Chief Petty Officer
2008-03-24 3:41 am
Both services are part of the Department of the Navy, but each is it own separate branch. The budget for the department of the Navy is generated by the needs of both the Navy and the Marine Corps.

Rank structure and uniforms are different.

However, the Navy and Marine Corps are also the closest of the armed services. Some Marines are stationed on several Navy bases and ships, while Navy corpsmen may serve in Marine units.

We make jokes about each other all the time, but we sailors don't let the Army or Air Force make jokes about the Marines.
2008-03-24 3:41 am
Navy are the brains. Marines are the brawns. (except for Navy seals, EOD's who are both brains and Brawns)
參考: Leave for Navy Boot May 14th. Future Navy IS!
2008-03-24 3:49 am
The Marines fall under the Dept of the Navy, they are a separate service from the Navy and have their own chain of command and budget. They originated back during the Revolutionary war as snipers in the rigging of naval vessels which gives them their aquatic connection to the Navy. As years progressed many wanted to combine them into the Army as their rolls back then were similar. To keep them separate they were given the taks of being a light, mobile force to go and confront the enemy first while the Army gathered itself for war. The role of amphibious assault was given specifically to the Marines. The Navy helps both the army and Marines by transporting many of the items they will use across the ocean: tanks, amphibs, humvees etc in bulk quantites that the Air Force cannot, this is the role of the Military Sealift Command ships. We have two Ro-Ro's (Roll On- Roll Off) ships stationed down here in Beaumont, TX that participated in the build up for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Plus the Navy keeps the sea lanes open for us and our allies to resupply the troops and fight on, below and over the seas.
參考: Navy vet Son former Marine
2016-10-08 2:59 pm
No that's no longer, it particularly is its own separate branch yet falls below the dept of the army. The Marines are their own unique branch this is small, on the floor and in the air. They do what they are advised to do. The Air stress nonetheless became below the dept of the army till the Nineteen Forties whilst it grew to become separate. Coast look after is seen defense force yet falls below fatherland protection no longer branch of protection except it particularly is warfare then it is going back below DoD. They do nonetheless have the comparable advantages.
2008-03-26 2:31 am
Navy is in the war and marine in country side
2008-03-24 3:38 am
Marines are smart grunts and the navy is their transportation whether its for transporting NBC marines and their toys or showing the infantry where the shore is.

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