How can I be sure my recruiter isn't lying to me?

2008-03-24 1:01 am
My recruiter told me that i would be eligible to enter into service as an O-3 Officer in the Navy due to my education in a high demand area (law) my grades and because i speak three languages
On the other hand I've heard from several people who have served that only doctors can enter at this level
Any advise for someone who doesn't want to end up like private Benjamin ! : )

回答 (20)

2008-03-24 2:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I assume you have a Juris Doctor degree. That would entitle you to enter as an O-3. If you have a doctorate in clinical psychology you enter as an O-3. If you have a doctorate in medicine or dentistry, you enter as an O-3. The key is the level of the graduate-level degree you hold.
But, if you don't have a J.D. then you have to start out a little lower down in the pecking order.
參考: Retired Navy Officer.
2008-03-24 1:40 am
You can't be sure that the recruiter isn't lying to you, there is NO way. He or she is a salesman and that is all. They are the lowest type of being on the face of the earth and even if they give you a legal document promising you EVERYTHING you want, you still can't count on it because other documents you sign will negate those. If you choose to serve, you may get what you want, but there is NO guarantee, there is always an "out" for the military... always.
[email protected]
2008-03-24 1:07 am
If you're a lawyer you can possibly enter the military as an O-3. If you elect to do such, make sure that whatever you think you're signing up for is on the actual contract you sign. Unwritten promises mean nothing.
2008-03-24 3:45 am
FIRST..... I assume that you are talking to an OFFICER RECRUITER, not a regular recruiter at a recruiting office.

Are you a US citizen? You must be a citizen to be an officer.

You can go in as an O-3. I had a Division Officer whose wife had a Master of Arts Degree in Hospital Management and she came in as an O-3. Of course, that was back in 1980.

I never met a bad JAG officer. Best of luck to you.

Plan on your first tour in Yokosuka, Sasebo or on Okinawa.
參考: Retired Chief Petty Officer
2008-03-24 1:21 am
Yes, recruiters lie and lie often! But what he is telling you could be correct. The military is hurting to fill important positions and will do a lot to get qualified people to fill opened positions. I would look into this rank jump a little more though, cause once you sign that name on the paper, you are uncle sams.
2008-03-24 6:02 am
what the heck is wrong with being an NCM we actually do work! and im sure if thats what the recruiter said he is probably right. If you are qualified enough they may not put you as officer cadet. but you still need to go through all the vigorous training, and trust me training isnt easy
2008-03-24 3:03 am
A ball gag would be the only sure way. Barring that, get everything in writing.
2008-03-24 2:09 am
Bring someone who is/was in the Navy to you when you meet with your recruiter. Then ask all the questions you want, with no bullshit. That person who is/was in the Navy will make that recruiter tell the truth with everything he tells you. If he doesnt that person can report that recruiter. Good Luck
2008-03-24 1:12 am
I suppose if you have a talent very much in demand, they would do the same for you they do for doctors.
Lots of Lawyers, tho- be sure to get it in writing, or your JAG office may be in Iran.
2008-03-24 1:12 am
When I was in Navy basic training, there was a saying.....
"Ricky, Ricky, don't be blue.
My recruiter screwed me, too."
The deception of a recruiter is a certainty. Their job is to meet a quota.

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