解答the future tense的問題

2008-03-24 7:31 am
想問在future tense 中, will+verb及 be going to 的分別.

回答 (1)

2008-03-24 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
will + base verb:


To make a prediction based on personal opinion
I think you'll love this film. It's got John Cusack in it.
She's convinced that the team won't win the cup.

Note: In spoken English will is usually shortened to 'll

To express a decision made at the moment of speaking
You go with Michal and I'll iron the shirts.
We've run out of sugar. I'll buy some later today.

To express future facts
Beijing will host the next Olympics.
The class will finish at 7:30 tonight.

In formal written style to express future events (often planned in detail)
This clinic will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday.
We are sorry there will be no deliveries of mail during next week's postal strike.

be + going to + base verb:


To make a prediction based on present evidence
Look at those dark clouds, it's going to rain.
The traffic is terrible! We're going to be late.

To talk about plans already made
I'm going to see a film tonight (I've already bought my ticket).
I've been working hard all week so this weekend I'm not going to do anything at all!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:20:13
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