correst these sentences~20點贈送(one to one to correct)

2008-03-24 5:36 am
1.One must believe something when we are lives.

2.So religion should be appeared.

3.It can help people regain their confidence when they are in despair.

4.I believe everything can happen in our world.

5.Ghost are exists in world since nothing is impossible.

6.Ghost is unbelievable.

7.It is because we cannot to see them.

8.But it not means that ghost does not exist.

9.Someone say that after people die, they will be ghost.

10.In my opinion, it explain how people of death where they will go.

11.We all cherish our life now because we cannot expect when time we will die.

12.Ghost is not necessary to our lives.

14.People are afraid that they are exists since they cannot accept supernatural things.

15.Nowadays is scientific century, but we still have things cannot explain.

回答 (3)

2008-03-24 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.One must believe something when he lives.

2.So religion should emerge.

3.It can help people regain confidence when they are in despair.

4.I believe anything can happen in our world.

5.Ghost exists in this world as nothing is impossible.

6.Existence of ghost is unbelievable.

7.It is because we cannot to see them.

8.But it does not mean that ghost does not exist.

9.Someone said that after people died, they would become ghost.

10.In my opinion, this assertion explains where people will go when they die.

11.We all cherish our life now because we cannot anticipate when we will die.

12.Ghost is not necessarily existing to our lives.

14.People are afraid that ghost does exist because they cannot accept supernatural things.

15.Nowadays, it is scientific century but we still face things cannot be explained.

2008-03-24 02:30:41 補充:
Refer to 上面001的post及問題原有的句子:
1.One must believe something when we lives. <--we後面動詞不應有s

2.So religions should be appeared.<--appear沒有被動式(不能加be在前)

3.It can help people to regain their confidence when they are in despair.<--help後面不一定要有to

2008-03-24 02:31:18 補充:
4.I believe everything can be happened in our world.<--happen沒有被動式(不能加be在前)

5.Ghosts are exists in world since nothing is impossible.<--are後面跟動詞,只能作被動式或進行式(如are existing),但exist和appear一樣不能有被動式,所以are exists錯(are是plural,exist又怎會是第三身單數動詞?)

6.Ghosts are unbelievable.<--此句意思變成"鬼(說的話)不可信"

2008-03-24 02:31:42 補充:
7.It is because we can't see them.(作文時除對話,最好不要用short form,應將can't, doesn't等寫成cannot, does not, etc.)

8.But it does not mean that ghost does not exist.

9.Someone says that after people die, they will be ghost.<--be與become不同,become解"變作",be解作"是"

2008-03-24 02:31:53 補充:
10.In my opinion, it explains how people of death where they will go.<--句法錯誤,意思不通,每句句子只能有一個where或一個how等問句字,總不能問"怎樣哪裡去"

11.We all cherish our life now because we cannot expect when we will die.<--expect是期望或期待,預料的話,英文應作anticipate或forecast較佳

12.Ghost is not necessary to our lifes.<--此句句意變成:鬼對我們的生命而言是不切要的

2008-03-24 02:31:59 補充:
14.People are afraid that they have existed since they cannot accept supernatural things.<--這樣的第一個they應代指鬼,但卻因文法錯誤變成指people,應寫明為ghost,以免與後半句的第2個they混淆

15.Nowadays is scientific century, but we still cannot explain many things. <--這句改了原意, 原意為"....我們仍有未能解釋的事", 但卻改成了"我們不能解釋太多的事"
參考: , 只為討論, 非針對任何人, 只為討論, 非針對任何人
2008-03-24 10:23 am
1. One must believe something when we are alive.
2. So religion should appear.
3. It can help people to regain their confidence when they are in despair.
4. I believe anything can happen in our world.
5. Ghost can exist in the world since nothing is impossible.
6. Ghost is believable.
7. It is because we cannot see them.
8. But it does not mean that ghost doest not exist.
9. Someone say that after people die, they will become ghost.
10. In my opinion, it explains how dead people will go.
11. We all cherish our life now because we cannot expet when we will die.
12. Ghost is not necessarily harmful to our lives.
13. ???
14. People are afraid that they exist since they cannot accept supernatural things.
15. Nowadays is scientific century, but we still have things which cannot be explained.
參考: Myself
1.One must believe something when we lives.
2.So religions should be appeared.
3.It can help people to regain their confidence when they are in despair.
4.I believe everything can be happened in our world.
5.Ghosts are exists in world since nothing is impossible.
6.Ghosts are unbelievable.
7.It is because we can&#39;t see them.
8.But it does not mean that ghost does not exist.
9.Someone says that after people die, they will be ghost.
10.In my opinion, it explains how people of death where they will go.
11.We all cherish our life now because we cannot expect when we will die.
12.Ghost is not necessary to our lifes.
14.People are afraid that they have existed since they cannot accept supernatural things
15.Nowadays is scientific century, but we still cannot explain many things .
參考: myself

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