
2008-03-23 8:20 pm
定係d 咩

回答 (2)

2008-03-25 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Big differencees.
Prices range from $1XXX-$XXXXXX
They are different by
1. Material-the cheapest is made of silver plated which means only cover the surface by silver. Pure silver is much more expensive. Even more expensive include 10K, 14K,18K,24K gold and platinum.
2. Brands- as far as I know, USA flute is more expensive than Japan flute. And some brands are specialised in making flute e.g. Sankyo, muramazu, but like yamaha, it make flute and many other instruments else. Yahmaha flute is relatively cheaper.
3. Hand made flute is much more expensive than semi-hand made one.
4. Other features like open-hole or close hole, shoulder tone hold or draw done hold, E-machanism, B or C foot joint.......(very complicated)
Usually higher model should be better(more expensive of course), but about which brand is better, this will depends on personal preference.
Choosing flute is a big dicision. If you need to buy one or want to get more information, you may contact me.
2008-03-30 7:55 am
thx so much

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