Questions about Tibet

2008-03-23 5:35 am
I have been reading and watching various news about Tibet.

Why do people from mainland China keep saying the PRC is doing the right thing and all the other media are lying?

If the PRC is only "maintianing peace" why did it evict all the reporters?

Also, is the PRC really trustworthy ? Even today, they still claim no student were killed by the army in 1989 and still blocks off the websites on these issues; can we really trust its words on Tibet today?

中國承認警方曾經使用致命武力,但表示只有四人被子彈射傷 (法新社 03月 23日 星期日 05:35PM ) Do anyone still actually beleive in this official rubbish coming from the PRC?

回答 (2)

2008-03-23 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
The chinese has always considered Tibet as part of China since 1959. It's the best interest of the chinese to keep internal affairs to their own and not openly speak about it to the outside world. If you could see, the chinese had denied all foreign media to Tibet at the start of the riot, if they weren't the ones that know best what was happening in Tibet, I believe no one does. The foreign media had speculated blindly in good faith of the Tibetans because the Tibetans were the underdogs in this raging war (protest) for freedom. And freedom and human rights were of the last thing in any westerners mind that could be evicted.

Nonetheless, the truth behind all these heindous crime of looting,killing and genocide had come to light in the recent news in xinhuapress. Footages and pictures had recentlyshown that some radical Tibetans had turned violent when it all started as a peacefully protest against independence. Xinhua had also said that not only the chinese people were targeted in this unrest, many Tibetans men, women and children were also fallen victim in this recent terror attacks. It was believed that some radical Tibetans under the Dalai Lama clan had orchestrated this mob, however people in many parts of the world remianed doubtful that Dalai was behind all these.More news will unveil in days to come and all else rumours and outcry should not be speculated. The westerners had been very insensitive towards this time tragic outcome and disparages China for violation of human rights. Let's just hope no chinese would backstabbing each other once more in the good faith of justice.
2008-03-23 11:43 am
you answer it already

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