Basketball is a kind of ball games.
It is played by twenty members.
There are ___________ teams against each other.
Team member cast the ball into the a basket
and win a score. It is a interesting ball game.
Volleyball is a kind of ball games.
It is played by fourteen members.
There are ______ teams against each other.
Team member throw the ball into the _______
and win a score. It is a interesting ball game.
Tennis is a kind of ball games.
It is played by two members.
There are _____ teams against each other.
Team member strike the ball into the_________
and win a score. It is a funny ball game.
Table is a kind of ball games.
It is played by two members.
There are _____ teams against each other.
Team member bounce the ball into the ______
and win a score. It is a funny ball game.