
2008-03-22 10:42 pm
英文 (我個性「獨立」因為能個人處事)&(「有理想」因為對將來有盼望)要句子,Thank!!

回答 (5)

2008-03-22 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My individuality independence because can individual place and has the
ideal because will have the hope to the future.

Hope can help you^^
2008-03-23 7:32 am
Being an independent person, I can handle things by myself.因為我個性獨立,所以有能力獨自處事.

I have high aspirations, because I expect much of my future.我有抱負,因我對未來有很大的期 盼.

在原句中, "因為"的用法令我不舒服, 尤其是第一句. "能個人處事"(果)是因為"個性獨立"(因). 原句似乎是把因果互換了.我的譯文是依前者.
第 二句中,"有理想"和"對將來有盼望"似乎是平衡的,因果關係不明顯.
參考: 自已
2008-03-23 2:32 am
I personality "independent" because, personal way

"Ideal" because the future hope
參考: me
2008-03-23 12:02 am
My individuality independence because can personally handle matters
has the ideal because will have the hope to the future .

參考: 自己認為
2008-03-22 11:21 pm
My individuality independence because can personally handle matters
has the ideal because will have the hope to the future .
參考: me

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