[[急]] opera 同song cycle有咩唔同?

2008-03-22 10:40 pm
the major different between opera and song cycle...
thx a lot!!!

回答 (1)

2008-03-31 11:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Opera is a form of musical and dramatic work in which singers convey the drama. Where as a song cycle is usually a group of songs and poems designed to be performed in sequence as a single entity.

An opera performance incorporates many of the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery and costumes and sometimes incorporates dance. Where as in a song cycle, usually all of the songs are by the same composer and use words from the same poet. Unification can be achieved by a unifying theme or by a narrative, and is often underlined by musical means.

Opera is usually given in an opera house, accompanied by an orchestra or smaller musical ensemble. Where as song cycles are usually performed in a concert hall.

Opera originated from Italy where as song cycle has its roots in Germany.

Traditionally, an opera is seldom performed by separate song in an opera. But in modern times vocalists may perform a single song from a opera in their performance. Song cycle has been extended to apply to popular music. for example 古巨基's famous pop song (剄歌金曲)
參考: myself

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