
2008-03-22 8:22 pm
1. 那個地方一定是充滿美好記憶的地方
2. 那個地方讓我們哭過、笑過…就是讓我們成長的地方
3. 這是我們生命中的轉捩點

回答 (4)

2008-03-23 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案

That must be a place that is full of wonderful memories
That place definitely brings back lots of good memories


We have laughed and cried there... the place where we grew up


This is a turning point in our life


To me / As for me / As far as I am concerned / Personally speaking


We were in the same class for three years, from secondary three to secondary four

雖然現在不同班, 可是我們的友情不會變

Though we are not in the same class anymore, our friendship remains unchanged


I hate to... (eg. I hate to say goodbye 我不希望/捨不得說再見)
I am reluctant to... (eg. I was reluctant to let him leave 我不願意./捨不得讓他走)
I grudge (doing something) (eg. I really grudge leaving so early 我真的不願意/捨不得這麼早離去)

hate 這裡解‘不願意’、‘不希望’或‘捨不得’, 不是討厭或憎恨的意思。
2008-03-22 8:50 pm
1. There must be full of happy memory.
2. We have cried and laughed in that place where we grow up.
3. This is a turning point in our lives.
參考: 本人&Yahoo!字典
2008-03-22 8:32 pm
1. That is a place which is filled with wonderful memories.
2. That is a place that make us cry and laugh....that is a place in which we grow.
3. That is a critical turning point in our lives.
2008-03-22 8:25 pm
1. that places certainly are fill the happy memory the place
2. that places to let us cry, to smile... Is place
3. this which lets us grow is in our life connection
參考: myself

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