
2008-03-22 8:13 pm
is there any special limitation for小郵包?
i wanna post some cloths and something like make-up and include letter in it..
is it fine for me to post as小郵包 if it's less than 2 kg?
how long it need to arrive US?

回答 (2)

2008-03-22 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
just make sure that you bubble-wrapped the makeups
put the clothes and makeups in a box
then seal it with tapes

wrtie the address clearly ( and return address as well)

fill in a customs declaration form ( the green one) if you send it as a small packet. you don't have to fill in this green form if you send it as a parcel, the postman will give you a A-5 sized form

write the content and the value of the package clearly (e.g. makeup x 3=S$30)

don't forget to TICK IT AS A GIFT to help your friend avoid duty

sometimes it can be cheaper if you send it by parcel, it depends on the weight
i suggest you measure the weight before choosing the way of post ( small packets / parcel / express) the postman will be happy to help you. And this site may help:


for small packets and parcels, it takes around 7-10 days to reach most cities
2008-03-23 9:43 am
你可以晌郵政局, 買一d軟墊信封, 就可以確保你既make-up唔會damage啦..

(價錢由$7 - $12)
美國 - 紐約 首0.5公斤: $75; 首1公斤: $115; 以後每公斤: $38
美國 - 夏威夷 首0.5公斤: $63; 首1公斤: $93; 以後每公斤: $32
美國 - 其他州 首0.5公斤: $75; 首1公斤: $115; 以後每公斤: $38
需時大約7-10工作天 (以空郵計)...
參考: 郵政局

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