F.3 relative pronoun 好趕嫁,唔該!!

2008-03-22 8:01 pm
Combine the sentences by using relative pronoun.

1.The man loved his car. The car was new.

2.John was very fond of his new friend. His friend was from Russia.

3.The boy hid his money. He was very nervous.

4.Peter left town yesterday. He was always in trouble.

5.John often reads books. The books are very long.

6.Mary has a very pretty cat. Mary is in my class.

7.Pete broke the desk. It was in that room.

8.The cat was cleaning itself. It was on the couch.

9.She cleaned the horse. The horse was exhausted.

10.I talked to the boy. He Was late for class.

11.The girl attended my school. She was always studying.

12.Joyse is 21 years old today. She is very happy.

13.They watched the car. The car ran off the road.

14.The boy was tired. She was dancing with him.

15.The farmer was leaving. He had on red pants.

16.The people were proud. He introduced them to me.

17.Mary is a very nice person. She is in my club.

18.The girl is short and sweet. I married her.

19.He is a wonderful man. He is respected ny all.

20.Pete owns a cat. The cat is a Persian.

回答 (2)

2008-03-23 4:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.The man loved his car. The car was new.
- The man loved his car which was new.

2.John was very fond of his new friend. His friend was from Russia.
- John was very fond of his new friend who was from Russia.

3.The boy hid his money. He was very nervous.
- The boy who was very nervous hid his money.

4.Peter left town yesterday. He was always in trouble.
- Peter, who was always in trouble, left town yesterday.

5.John often reads books. The books are very long.
- John often reads books which are very long.

6.Mary has a very pretty cat. Mary is in my class.
- Mary, who is in my class, has a very pretty cat.

7.Peter broke the desk. It was in that room.
- Peter broke the desk which was in that room.

8.The cat was cleaning itself. It was on the couch.
- The cat which was on the couch was cleaning itself.

9.She cleaned the horse. The horse was exhausted.
- She cleaned the horse which was exhausted.

10.I talked to the boy. He was late for class.
- I talked to the boy who was late for class.

11.The girl attended my school. She was always studying.
- The girl who was always studying attended my school.

12.Joyce is 21 years old today. She is very happy.
- Joyce, who is very happy, is 21 years old today.

13.They watched the car. The car ran off the road.
- They watched the car which ran off the road.

14.The boy was tired. She was dancing with him.
- The boy whom she was dancing with was tired.

15.The farmer was leaving. He had on red pants.
- The farmer who had on red pants was leaving.

16.The people were proud. He introduced them to me.
- The people whom he introduced to me were proud.

17.Mary is a very nice person. She is in my club.
- Mary, who is in my club, is a very nice person.

18.The girl is short and sweet. I married her.
- The girl whom I married is short and sweet.

19.He is a wonderful man. He is respected ny all.
- He who is respected by all is a wonderful man .

20.Peter owns a cat. The cat is a Persian.
- Peter owns a cat which is a Persian.
2008-03-22 8:16 pm
1.The man loved his car since the car was new.

2.John was very fond of his new friend who was from Russia.

3.The boy who was very nervous , hid his money.

4.Peter left town yesterday since he was always in trouble.

5.John often reads books which are very long.

6.Mary, who is in my class, has a very pretty cat.

7.Pete broke the desk which was in that room.

8.The cat which was on the couch , was cleaning itself.

9.She cleaned the horse which was exhausted.

10.I talked to the boy who was late for class.

11.The girl who was always studying , attended my school.

12.Joyse is 21 years old today so she is very happy.

13.They watched the car which ran off the road.

14.She was dancing with the boy who was tired

15.The farmer who had on red pants. was leaving.

16.He introduced the people who were proud to me.

17.Mary, who is in my club, is a very nice person.

18.I married the girl who is short and sweet.

19.He is a wonderful man who is respected by all.

20.Pete owns a cat which is a Persian.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:00:15
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