
2008-03-22 6:30 pm

回答 (3)

2008-03-23 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
When you cry, you will give out water.Since then,someone think that cry too much will make someone die.I dont agree with situation.
For the explaination,it is true that crying needs water.But as you cry for a long time, you can no longer produce water.For the result, you will just like shouting.
For the conclusion,crying for a long time will not make you die.
參考: me
2008-03-22 9:48 pm
because 眼淚 is water but too much maybe will die...
but I don't think so because if I cry so long time, I will drink some water..
so maybe die or not..
參考: me
2008-03-22 9:40 pm
It will be die!
because 眼淚 is water!

2008-03-23 13:06:50 補充:
哭得太多drink D水 and 滴眼藥水(眼紅)!
參考: me!!!!!, me

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