轉做英文 對高手十分容易 (20)

2008-03-22 5:03 pm
原名 張敬軒
英文名 Hins Zhang
暱稱 軒仔 小軒
國籍 中國

籍貫 中國北京
出生 1981年2月1日 (1981-02-01) (27歲)
職業 歌手
教育程度 高中
音樂類型 R&B
活躍年代 2003年至今
唱片公司 環球唱片
經紀公司 環球唱片
網站 [1]
相關團體 環球唱片
張敬軒(Hins Cheung,1981年2月1日-),內地及香港創作歌手,祖籍北京,廣州出生,身高175cm,基督教徒,中學畢業於廣州市第七中學。

把這篇中文轉做英文 THX!!!

回答 (3)

2008-03-22 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Birth name:Cheung King Hin
English name:Hins Zhang
Nickname:Little Hins

Ancestry:Beijing, China
Born:February 1, 1981 (1981-02-01) (age 27)
Guangzhou, China
Educational level:High school graduate
Years active:2003-present
Label(s):Universal Music Group
Agency company:Universal Music Group
Official site:Hins blog
Relative organization:Universal Music Group
Cheung King Hin (Hins Cheung, February 1, 1981-), a singer and songwriter in Hong Kong and Guangdong, is originally from Beijing. Being born in Guangzhou, he studied and graduated from the Guangzhou City 7th Secondary School. He is 175 cm tall and a devoted Christian, and will become a permanent Hong Kong resident in 2011.
2008-03-24 7:02 pm
Originally named Jing-Xuan Zhang
English name Hins Zhang
Nickname Hsuan Tsai Xiaoxuan
Chinese nationality

Beijing native China
Born on February 1, 1981 (1981-02-01) (27 years old)
Guangzhou, China
Professional singers
High school education
R & B genre
Active since the 2003
Record company Universal Music
Universal Music brokerage firms
Website [1]
Universal Music relevant bodies
Jing-Xuan Zhang (Hins Cheung, February 1, 1981 -), the Mainland and Hong Kong singer and native of Beijing, Guangzhou birth, height 175 cm, Christians, graduated from secondary schools in Guangzhou City 7.

2008-03-23 5:50 am
Name: 張敬軒
English Name: Hins Zhang
Nickname (s): 軒仔 小軒
Nationality: Chinese
Origin: Beijing, China
Date of Birth: 1 February, 1981
Age: 27
Place of Birth: Guangzhou, China

Occupation: Singer
Education Background: Matriculation

Music Genre: R & B
Active since 2003

Record Management Company: Universal Music Record
Agency: Universal Music Record
Official Wesbite:
Related Group: Universal Music Record
Hins Zhang(張敬軒) is borned in 1 February, 1981 Guangzhou China. His origin is Beijing. He is 175cm tall and is a Christian. He graduated from the No. 7 Guangzhou City Secondary School.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 10:44:31
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