Adam Brody

2008-03-22 4:48 pm
想請問邊度可以睇到Adam Brody既近況,可以既話想問埋點解
會同Rachel Bilson分手?近況?本人上過好多網站,大多數係英文,
請高人指點,我真係好鐘意Adam Brody架!

回答 (1)

2008-03-22 5:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Welcome to Oats & Sparkles , the only fanlisting listed at The Fanlistings Network (under the Relationships: Real Life category) for the relationship between the two actors Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson.
This fanlisting was originally owned by Mellissa, then by Angie, and by Hider who let me adopt it on the 20th of June 2007. I also need to give a very special thank you to Brianne and Amanda for the previous memberlist.
Part of: Makes Me Wonder
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 06th March 2008
Member count: 3005, from 90 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Shifaa
Previous owners: Mellissa, Angie, Hider
want to appear here

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