
2008-03-22 8:40 am
我係2月尾既時候黎左一次月經(不過唔知算唔算,因為個次係有少少血但係深啡色,唔係好多,黎左都有12日到有幾日係完全冇,之前月經都準時同埋冇問題),到左今個月16號又係咁既情況,依家好驚個子宮係唔係有問題,我今年得21歲!!!Thz *10000~

回答 (2)

2008-03-22 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
You may ask your皮膚科醫生whether the medicine has 'hormones' or not. If yes, it may affect your M. But you must ask your doctor the medicine will affect your M or not.
And your age is also a problem. When I was around 20, I had some problem with M eg painful sometimes, not accurate... mood can also affect your M.........nervous can make your M not come...
If you feel nervous about your body, please go to 婦產科doctors to check!
2008-03-22 9:01 am

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