
2008-03-22 8:34 am

回答 (2)

2008-03-22 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have the same situation as yours but today I have ...
I had gone to the doctor to have 通經針& oral medicine but waited for 2 weeks till today.

I think the reason why my M did not come until today because I went to bed very late this 2 months & something made me very nervous (Nervous mood made hormones not balanced as the doctor said) until recently the problem was solved & my mood became relaxed few days ago, now I have M again.

So I think you don't need to test having BB or not, because if your mood becomes relaxed & get more rest for a week, if M still not come, then you must go to the doctor to check whether your body has some other problem as I wondered my body has any problem before today.
參考: my experience
2008-03-22 8:55 am
其實冇BB都可以好耐唔黎M,我自己本身D M期一d都唔穩定,有時幾個月冇左,又一次過黎好多,有時仲黎幾日斷開再黎幾日。仲有d朋友試過壓力太大,成年冇M到。

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