
2008-03-22 3:49 am
1.EADS posts €446m loss ofter cost overruns
2.Actor urges promotion of quality migrant scheme
3.Analysts have strong doubts over latest cabinet shake-up
4.New York governor embroiled in vice-ring probe
5.New York dumb founded by sex scandal'just like pompeii'
6.Dream ticket?Dream on,says Obama,to clinton's bits
7.Ward of warning (Rising medical costs and an ageing poplation are driving the need for health-care reforms,but financing them is a sticking points)
8.The credit crisis is only the first phase of a greater unravelling of the financial system

回答 (1)

2008-03-25 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 入不敷支, EADS (歐洲國際航太集團)公布虧損4.46億歐元
2. 男明星xxx認為優秀人才入境計劃應加強宣傳
3. 新一輪內閣重組引起評論界疑問
4. 紐約州長被捲入不法集團調查
5. 政界性醜聞轟動紐約州 有人比喻為有如 "龐貝古城 全州一時人人啞然"
6. 希拉里示意和奧巴馬聯合參選, 聲言此為"夢幻組合", 被對方譏為 "做夢"
7. 醫療制度亮警號---成本上漲 人口老化 醫療制度亟待改革, 但錢從何來?
8. 金融制度或陷入更大崩盤危機 信貨問題的出現只是第一步

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