how to keep long dis?

2008-03-22 2:03 am
i met my boy friend last year in summer holiday
he is a good guy
but he need to go back to canada to continue his study
i feel very sad and helpless recently
cause there is no improvement between us
what can i do?

well actually i do not think i really love my boyfriend that much and i am not sure he is suit me so it is very hard to make decision

回答 (1)

2008-03-22 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
you really love your boy friend?you boy friend just go to canada to continue his study,so he is a good boy,so you should feel happy ,if you want to with him forever , you can follow him to go to canada,but it is worth?if your love not too deep ,you can forget him or just be friend,the world not only one boy suit you, you can try to meet other one.
參考: me

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