Account問題: Net of Tax

2008-03-22 1:51 am
請問咩係Net of Tax?


Interest Expense, net of tax = interest expense x (1-tax rate)

回答 (3)

2008-03-22 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Net of tax 係指扣除稅務優惠後實際應付的稅款,一般多見於稅務上,或者計算一些新project 嘅 investment 時用嘅。

舉例當一間公司要開展一個新 project 時,有時是需要去問銀行借錢,而借錢係要俾銀行利息嘅。一般銀行利息响報稅時,係可以100% 當支出全數扣除的。如果利息係 $100,000,咁公司的利息支出是報$100,000。但是有些國家的利息支出,其實在稅務上卻享有免稅優惠 ,即俾銀行利息$100,000時,稅局會退回利息的某個 % (例如30%) 給公司,即是公司變相減少了$30,000 利息支出,所以佢哋嘅實際的利息支出便是$100,000 x (1-30%) = $70,000。亦因為這優惠只適用於利息支出上,便間接鼓勵公司去問銀行借錢,從而取得此優惠。
2008-03-26 6:40 pm
通常除稅項目用於跨境業務,即貨品或服務供應者要求收錢不用付當地稅項。 稅項變成由買家幫你負責。 對收錢嚟講就要除去稅項影響,所以就要用1─稅率﹝我估你用乘嘅話就應該係Interest Income,唔係Interest expense﹞。希望幫到你!
2008-03-22 6:59 am
Net of tax means when you receive or pay interest $100 and the tax rate is 20%, tax thereof is $20, then the net amount you received/paid is $80. The tax $20 you withheld should be sent to the tax authority within a time.
The rate of tax is determined by the tax authority.
Interest Expense, net of tax = interest expense $100 x (1-tax rate(20%))=$80

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:29:55
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