Application letter gammar

2008-03-22 1:29 am
I believe I am suited for the position with my responsible character and
computer knowledge is also good. In general, I was worked in clerk position more than 2 years.
My current employer was (company name). with a daily duty in helping my
boss to dun for agency outlay and contact with them. With my
communication skills fluent in Putonghua and Cantonese and fairly fluent in
Enclosed please find my resume. Please give my application your serious
consideration. I will be available for an interview at your earlier convenience.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.

唔該幫我睇下d garmmar 有冇錯,同埋寫得岩唔岩?十分感激^.^

回答 (5)

2008-03-22 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I do believe that... --- stronger sentence

2.I was worked in clerk position more than 2 years. ---錯grammar,跟上一位咁改就OK

3.with a daily duty in helping my
boss to dun for agency outlay and contact with them----
I usually help my boss to contact the agnecies as well as dun for outlays daily

4.With my
communication skills fluent in Putonghua and Cantonese and fairly fluent in
English.----- uncomplete sentence

I am proficient in speaking Putonghua and Cantonese.Also, I can speak in English.[求職最好唔好講自己既weaknesses出黎,你話自己識講就得啦]

5.Enclosed please find my resume -----用resume唔太好

Enclosed please find a copy of my curriculum vitae.[靚D,用唔用自己決定]

6.Please give my application your serious

Please put my application in your serious consideration.

7.I will be available for an interview at your earlier convenience.
----i am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. [咁寫formal D]
大概係咁啦..寫applicaton letter最緊要寫到你好有自信,

我諗呢段係你application letter一部分掛..如果係全部就寫得唔太好啦
參考: 自己
2010-08-01 4:40 am
2008-03-22 10:26 am
With reference to the post of XXXXX in your company, I am confident that I can be a suitable candidate for your kind considerations.

I have been in a clerical position for more than two years and my daily responsibilities were to help my boss in outlaying and communicating with agencies. My current employer Mr. XX of (company name) is willing to give you any reference you may require to understand more about my existing job and personal abilities.

I speak fluent Putonghua (Mandarin) and Cantonese, and I have no problem in communicating with other people in English.

In addition I have a responsible and outgoing character which make me confident in coping with the new job requirements, colleques and enrionment.

I am enclosing a full curriculum vitae for your reference and I sincerely hope that you would grant me a chance for interview so that I can answer any further questions you may want to know.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours Faithfully


2008-03-22 02:31:31 補充:
In 3rd paragraph, please add :

Moreover, I am pretty strong in computer knowledge and I have no problem in dealing with ---- examples : excel, words, cad cam, power points, etc.
參考: Myself, Myself
2008-03-22 5:08 am
I believe I am suitable for the position since I am a responsible person and have good computer knowledge. In general, I have been working in clerk position for more than 2 years.

My current employer is (company name). My daily duty is to help my
boss to dun??? (not sure what you want to say) for agency outlay and contacting them. I am fluent in Putonghua and Cantonese and fairly fluent in English. Besides, my communication skill is good.

Enclosed please find my resume for your consideration. I will be available for an interview at your convenience.
Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your truely,

(your name)
2008-03-22 1:51 am
I was worked in clerk position--------變成i worked as a clerk for more than 2 years

with a daily duty in helping my boss to dun for agency outlay and contact with them.----不可以這樣寫的,另開新句
. With mycommunication skills fluent in Putonghua and Cantonese and fairly fluent in English. 這句一樣,不是一句完整句子-----變成i have ability to speak fluent ........
Enclosed please find my resume. ---好寸wor, 更何況人地唔通唔搵你咩,delete 左佢la

Please give my application your serious consideration. ------?唔明你講緊咩...

will be available for an interview at your earlier convenience.-----搞到好似你係個大忙人敢,變成i am always ready to sir for the interview.
參考: 一個華仁學生的腦袋

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