超緊急!!! 相機入相落電腦但有d o係電腦睇唔到!!! 20分!!!比曬d分你都冇所謂!!!

2008-03-21 10:04 pm
但d相入曬電腦度, 發現有d o係電腦度睇唔到!!!
最慘我係將d相"剪下"去電腦入邊 ...
我係sure 完成左放曬d相入電腦, 冇中途拔走張sd card...

張sd card 冇曬相喇已經 = = ...
有1/2 相ge 總數我o係電腦睇到, 有1/2 左右睇唔到... 話"無法決定格式"...
但d相係"jpg檔"... 而且有d相佔好多位... 係100%有平時佔o甘多位(eg 1.4 mb...)
有d 片就完全開唔到, 又係唔知格式, 有d開到但"好lag" "好疾" ...

我可以點做? 我冇再放野入張sd card... 係唔係可以還原張sd card ge 野呢?!
or 有其他方法?!

回答 (3)

2008-03-21 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2008-03-25 10:30 pm
Look askance well , get of looks fruit I help you well , reach , but if you do not have format a card , may? Go to the computer company to redeem people and help you to rescue , certainly if you have software already words can be rescued to, but I believe you do not have, so all go out to rescue more than people, charge the very flat one.
2008-03-22 2:17 am
試下GOM Player

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