
2008-03-21 6:51 pm

001兄.....你翻譯的sentence structures 有D問題喎...我不要翻譯機器.sorry..有別的嗎..

回答 (2)

2008-03-25 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本公司秉承 "以誠為本"的精神服務各位魔術師, 提供最新變身服飾, 魔物動向, 專業意見; 更搜羅最新魔術用品, 務求與各位尊貴顧客合作無間, 共創商機.
Sincerity is central to our service philisophy. We strive to become the magcians' staunch partner towards greater commercial success by supplying changing outfits, hot information on gadgets, professional advice, and above all, latest magician supplies.
2008-03-22 1:40 am
Our "take honestly serves as this" the spirit newly to provide changes
the body clothing for the magic teacher, the evil spirit trend, and
specialized opinion Establishes the long term friendly relations take
the magic teacher as the first goal, and provides the more magic thing
to develop a bigger opportunity
參考: Yahoo聰明筆

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