Do you think legalizing prostitution is a good way to jumpstart our economy?

2008-03-20 5:44 pm
Legalizing prostitution will bring prostitutes out of the shadow, and prevent further exploitation by their pimps. State government will reap enormous financial benefits by charging a hefty sin tax on this profession. This is no different than charging a sin tax on alcohol and tobacco, state lottery and casino gambling. Prostitutes will be regulated by the state and be required to undergo periodic screening for STDs to protect public health. Public officials such as Eliot Spitzer, who had otherwise done a terrific job as governor of New York, will no longer have to resign for paying a call girl for sex. Prostitution is legal in certain municipalities in the state of Nevada, and those municipalities have been doing very well financially.

回答 (8)

2008-03-20 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
right ... i agree.
maybe, just maybe even marijuana too ... that's just me though. people pay up wards of $4 a pack for smokes ... imagine what kind of profit the government could make.
no one will go for it though.
2008-03-21 12:52 am
Just take cash out of the shadow economy; robbing Peter to pay John as it were.
2008-03-21 12:52 am
I've always wondered why we didn't legalize prostitution.
2008-03-21 12:57 am
Exactly what part of town are you going to zone for this type of business?

It sounds great in theory- but no one will want a prostitute setting up shop next door.

How's the crime rate in those municipalities in Nevada?

I think selling your body is wrong and I think condoning it is wrong. It's cheap and trashy.
2008-03-21 12:54 am
yes if they wanna **** y shouldnt they get paid legally
2008-03-21 12:52 am
I think that it would be a good way to cut down on the std's and the violence and the children that get taken advantage of. If it were legal like in most of Europe it would be heavily regulated and I believe that the taxes they would pay could stimulate the economy.
2008-03-21 12:57 am
No... switching the exploitation from the pimps to the government would not be an improvement....
2008-03-21 12:51 am
no sir a body is not an object

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