
2008-03-21 3:58 am
例如向左轉 向右轉 敬禮 步操 立正 180度轉 45
{ 前一句係咩呀<all number play......> }<-----呢句我都要...

回答 (4)

2008-03-25 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
集合: scout fall in
立正: scout alert
休息: scout stand at ease
左轉: scout turning turn to the left, left turn
右轉: scout turning turn to the right, right turn
180度轉: scout turning turn to the right, about turn
45度右轉: scout right incline
45度左轉: scout left incline
敬禮: scout saluting, salute to the front, salute
解散: scout turning turn to the right, fall out
對齊: scout dressing, right dress (right marker: up to be move) eyes front (right marker: down)

報數: scout, by the right number (one, two, three, four, five.........sir)
報數: scout, by the two number (one, two, one, two, one...........sir)
把一隊人分開做兩隊:scout odd number, one pace forward, even number, one pace step back, march
Right marker仍然站立, 單數的向右轉, 雙數的向左轉: stand fast the right hand man, odd number, turn to the right, even number, turn to the left, right and left turn
把轉好的人分成三排: form three ranks quick march
當三個三個一排的時候要補位: bank files, move

步操: squad, by the left quick march
沿地踏步: scout, mark time
當步操時要左轉: by the left, left wheel
當步操時要右轉: by the right, right wheel
當步操時叫隊伍不要打數: squad
停: halt
2008-03-21 7:59 pm
Odd Number one place forward,even number one place step back.March!
參考: 步操教練員
2008-03-21 11:18 am
The main slogan is : Always prepared
參考: Myself
2008-03-21 4:42 am
1 .为我的神,国家与元首服务
2 .随时随地扶助他人
3 . 遵守童军规律
Bahawa dengan sesungguhnya, saya berjanji dan bersedia yang saya dengan sebarapa daya upaya
saya akan:
1. Taat kepada Tuhan, Raja dan Negara
2. Menolong orang pada setiap masa
3. Menurut undang-undand pengakap

參考: 童军口号

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