
2008-03-21 1:08 am
請解釋兩組英文詞彙及造一句例句? 唔該?

1. in a fog
2. in a spot

回答 (2)

2008-03-21 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
in a fog是一句片語,意思是:困惑,迷惑(真有點似廣東話所說:一頭霧水)
e.g. I'm in a fog about my school work.(我對於我的功課真是一頭霧水/我完全搞不懂我的功課)
而in a spot則是:處於困難的地位或環境中
如:I'm in a bit of a spot financially.(我經濟上有點困難)
2008-03-21 1:20 am
1. The ship became blur in a fog.
2. The ship was far away and in a spot.
fog means 霧;霧氣.
spot means 斑點,斑塊

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