More often than not 點解?

2008-03-20 11:04 pm
More often than not 點解?

回答 (4)

2008-03-21 1:10 am
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More often than not 屬於 idiom (成語), 其實是 簡化了 More often than not more often.

超過一半時間/機會做某樣東西或發生某件事情, 便可以說為 more often than not。Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 的解釋是 more than half of the time, or usually 經常、多半。

例句:More often than not, she is late for work (她經常上班遲到)
More often than not, he skips lessons (他時常曠課)

注意:既然 more often than not 是經常的意思, 有慣性含意, 故此句子說的雖然似為過去的事情, 時式卻依然是 present tense。

還有, more often than not 亦可寫為 as often as not ( 例如 As often as not, she is late for work), 只是 more often than not 比較流行。
2008-03-21 12:58 am
more often than not (adverb);usually; as a rule, by and large.的意思.解作經常,多數會,泰半會的意思.
2008-03-21 12:32 am
If you say something happens more often than not, you mean that it usually
or very probably happens.

e.g. More often than not, the patient recovers.

So, "more often than not" here means "very probably".
參考: Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary
2008-03-21 12:00 am
More often than not means

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