
2008-03-20 10:50 pm

The first ancient Olympics featured only athletics and many spectators still regard athletics as the being at the very heart of the games. In Beijing competitors will vie for 47 gold medals in the discipline.

回答 (2)

2008-03-21 12:27 am
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The first ancient Olympics featured only athletics and many spectators still regard athletics as being at the very heart of the games. In Beijing competitors will vie for 47 gold medals in the discipline.

第一屆古代奧林匹克運動會只包括有田徑項目, 而很多觀眾現在仍然視田徑運動為奧運會最重要的部份。在北京, 參賽者將爭奪該領域的四十七枚金牌。

featured = 包括有(具代表性的某些東西);
games 這裡是指 奧運會, 不是遊戲;
discipline 這裡解‘部份’、‘領域’、‘區域’, 即是指田徑項目, 與‘紀律’完全無關。

雖然只短短兩句英文, 但用機器翻譯除了分辨不出上面三個字的真正意思外, 還把一些不必單獨譯出的字也譯了, 把句子原意扭曲或模糊了, 例如將 at the very heart 的 at 字譯出, 變成‘處於’便錯了, 因為 at the very heart 是要整個片語譯(= 核心部份或最重要部份), 不能另外譯 at。
還有, competitors 是指在北京參賽的選手( In Beijing, competitors....), 如果譯作‘在北京, 競爭對手...’還可以, 但譯‘在北京的競爭對手’便不大通順。

2008-03-20 19:08:46 補充:
There is something wrong in your question passage. It should be : .... many spectators still regard athletics as being at the very heart of the games ( the word 'the' should not be present before 'being')
2008-03-21 4:20 pm
The first ancient Olympics featured only athletics and many spectators still regard athletics as the being at the very heart of the games. In Beijing competitors will vie for 47 gold medals in the discipline.=
第一古老奧林匹克特色唯一競技和許多觀眾仍然認為競技生存在比賽的心臟。在北京競爭者將競爭為47 金牌在學科。
參考: Me

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