
2008-03-20 9:02 pm
我住在Hawaii , 現在想回香港定居,我想知要乜野手續才可以帶我狗狗回港?

回答 (2)

2008-03-21 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
狗隻入口,事 先 獲 得 漁 農 署 簽 發 的 特 別 許 可 證 , 否 則 不 得 把 任 何 貓 狗 輸 入 本 港 ( 不 論 是 進 口 或 轉 口 ) 。
2008-03-22 9:03 pm

But 2 years ago I took my dog to USA from HK and when we arrived at the
US airpot they just leave her by the door herself no one is with my dog. When we ask the staff where to pick her up they just said other thing and not answering our question!!!!!
So we just walk around and we saw her by a door alone. Anyone can just take her away because they won't check if this is really your dog!
I was soooooooooooooo mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope I can help you ^^

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