
2008-03-20 8:09 pm




回答 (5)

2008-03-20 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Having finished this special topic to study at last, I thought that there is sense of achievement very much.
Study through special topic of this, I know finish one special topic study a bit difficult even. I have learnt how to put the materials in order and analyse, one's own cooperation ability can be improved. All of us hope to be also having an opportunity to do similar activity and special topic next time in the future will be studied and can be done better!
2008-03-24 8:22 pm
Finally completed this topic to study thoroughly, I thought had the
satisfied feeling very much. After this special thorough study, I knew
completes a topic to study thoroughly 1. not to be easy. How did I
learn to reorganize and the analysis material, own cooperation ability
also could promote. We all hoped also will have the opportunity to
engage in the similar activity and the next special thorough study in
the future can do well!
參考: me
2008-03-20 8:17 pm
Please see if the below works?

Finally the project study was completed and I was rather satisfied with the outcome.

I learnt from this project study that it's totally not easy to complete such a task. From the process, I learnt how to collect the data and analyse the information. The way of co-operation is improved as well.

We are all expecting similar activities in the future and hoping that we can do better continuously.
2008-03-20 8:16 pm
2008-03-20 8:10 pm
Finally completed this topic to study thoroughly, I thought had the feeling of satisfaction very much. After this special thorough study, I knew completes a special thorough study not to be easy.How did I learn to reorganize and the analysis material, own cooperation ability also could promote.We all hoped also will have the opportunity to engage in the similar activity and the next time special thorough study in the future can do well!
參考: me

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