customer statement

2008-03-20 3:02 pm
請問what is customer statement?(identify and describe)
accounting information systems的問題.


回答 (4)

2008-03-20 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Customer Statement is the monthly statement you give to each of your customers, detailing the transactions done in the current month. Moreover, it is also used as a request to your customers for settlement of the ending balance, if any. This statement is usually prepared from your debtors' sub-ledger.
2008-03-20 9:23 pm
customer statement is issued by customer. The statement shows that the details of outstanding invoices or debit note and also the details of the payment during one month. The closing date of the statement is ususally the final date of month, e.g. 30th or 31st.

If you find that the details of statement does not match with your account record, you should take immediately action to inform your customer.
Also, you could use customer statement to confirm your account book - debtor ledger and can discover any errors that may be made by account people.
Conclusion, customer statement is an important document.
2008-03-20 4:55 pm
customer statement / 係客戶的月結單。
每月的應收貨款 / 相對係銷貨賬。
每次收到應收貨款/ 相對係現金或銀行收入。

customer statement/ sales
Cash or Bank a/c / Receivable

2008-03-20 3:16 pm
customer statement

月 結 單

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