Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

2008-03-20 9:11 am
Define a norm ||‧||1 in C^1[a,b] by
||v||1 = || v ||∞ + || v' ||∞ for all v in C^1[a,b]
where || v ||∞ = max |v(x)| for all x in [a,b].
It is not difficult to show that V = ( C^1[a,b] , ||‧||1 ) is complete.

Now, define a(u,v) = ∫(u'v' + cuv) dx where the integration is taken from a to b. Show that there exists a positive constant M such that

| a(u,v) | =< M ||u||1 ||v||1

Hence, the bilinear form a(‧,‧) is bounded and hence continuous.

Is there any bilinear form continuous but not bounded ?
更新1: 其實我好想知: example of bilinear form that is continuous but not bounded 我睇過話 Banach Space 係必要,但係我建立唔到個example。

回答 (3)

2008-03-22 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
By Cauchy-Schwarz inequatlity, for any integrable function f, g,

|∫fg| &lt;= √(∫|f|^2) √(∫|g|^2)
&lt;= √(∫|| f ||∞ ^2) √(∫|| g ||∞ ^2)
= || f ||∞ || g ||∞ (b-a)

| a(u,v) | &lt;= |∫u&#39;v&#39; | + |c∫uv |
&lt;= (|| u&#39; ||∞ || v&#39; ||∞ + |c| || u ||∞ || v ||∞ )(b-a)

Now take M = (b-a)max{1, |c|}, then
| a(u,v) | &lt;= M(|| u&#39; ||∞ || v&#39; ||∞ + || u ||∞ || v ||∞)
&lt;= M(|| u&#39; ||∞ + || u ||∞)(|| v&#39; ||∞ + || v ||∞)
= M ||u||1 ||v||1

A linear functional on a Banach space is bounded iff it is continuous. The same is also true for bilinear forms, by uniform boundedness principle.
2008-03-23 9:51 pm
< 仍然是亂碼收場
2008-03-23 8:28 pm
>>Is there any bilinear form continuous but not bounded ?
唔係 Banach space 好易 construct 的:
Take V = countably infinite dimensional vector space (e.g. l^2 sequences), {e_n} = basis
D a linear subspace of V, D = {Finite linear combination of e_n}, with usual inner product.

2008-03-23 12:28:56 補充:
Then D is normed but not complete.

Take bilinear form B, defined on basis as B(e_n, e_m) = {0 if n=/m, n if n=m}

Then this is an unbounded bilinear form on D, but it is continuous (because every Cauchy Sequence of D is trivial: either the index n will stay fix after sometime, or limit does not exist.)

2008-03-23 12:32:37 補充:
我唔係好睇到點由 Uniform Boundedness Principle => continuous = bounded.

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