
2008-03-20 8:31 am
請各位網友同志幫幫忙, 急!! 急!!!

回答 (1)

2008-03-21 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
if the vob is on a dvd disc, that vob is probably encrypted
you can't edit an encrypted vob
you have to extract/rip that vob out from a dvd
then that vob will already have been decrypted
you might use dvd2vcd
for editing, you might use videoredo
videoredo is good for the reason that it won't recompress the part of video selected for cutting, it just extract those frames out and therefore original quality of the video remains unchanged.
to use videoredo for 15-day trial, please be sure to click get free registration key from its HELP menu

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