
2008-03-20 8:30 am

咁reflux個aim係分隔開d野定係apply energy??????

reflux of esterification 個procedure又係點?????


Explain whether the equilibrium constant for the esterification can be determined concentration of sodium hydroxide is not known.

回答 (2)

2008-03-20 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are right !
Refluxing is aiming to thermally accelerating the reaction and inreasing a longer peiod of the reaction time.

Using a pear shape flask to contains reaction mixture with some anti-dumping granules.
connecting the pear shape flask to refluxing condenser, and then vertically soaking the flask with water bath,
allowing cold water is filling continuously in the condenser from lower side to higher side
and heat the water bath by using Bunsen flame.

最後果題, 我睇唔明你問咩, 所以唔知答咩, SORRY!
參考: 自己
2008-03-21 1:48 am
last question:
if sodium hydroxide concentration is unknown, this sodium hydroxide is
not a standard solution. Thus the RCOOH concentration cannot be determined

K (C) cannot be determined

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