Does Saddam the Dalai Lama share a lot in common?

2008-03-20 7:19 am
Both Saddam and the Dalai Lama's country were occupied by invaders and their rule overthrown.
Despit Dalai Lama being a spiritual leader, he aim is to free the Tibetian people and his country.
Saddam is also trying to free his people from the US agression. He is also a devoted muslim
Dalai Lama and Saddam both wanted to save their country, the US accused Saddam of organising the insurgency activity in Iraq, the Chinese also claimed the Dalai Lama masterminded the violent protests in Tibet too. They both have a lot in common, so why do people praise the Dalai Lama while Saddam ended up being hanged?? Is this unfair to Saddam?

回答 (14)

2008-03-20 7:29 am
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I don't think that the Dali Lama ever invaded Kuwait, killed thousands of Kurds with nerve gas, or bragged about having and developing weapons of mass destruction.

Even if saddam was lying about the WMD's, he kicked out the UN inspectors and violated the terms of the Desert Storm ceasefire. I don't recall the Dali Lama doing that...

Not a lot in common...
參考: Umm, the news.
2008-03-20 7:31 am
This is an outrageous slander against one of the greatest men alive today, the Dalai Lama. He is non-violent, and has done nothing to harm anyone. To equate the US opposition to Saddam with China's persecution of the Dalai Lama is disingenuous to the point of being ludicrous. The US is a free, open society, with a free press and democratic elections. China is an oppressive, brutal, closed regime that stifles any opposition and does not allow a free press. Your parallel is baseless, absurd, and shameful.
2008-03-20 7:25 am
To the best of my knowledge, the Dalai Lama doesn't have the blood of thousands on his hands. He's never ordered anyone executed, tortured, or to carry out genocidal attacks against ethnic groups that oppose his rule. Saddam was a megalomaniacal dictator. The Dalai Lama is a Buddhist spiritual leader. Saddam, contrary to popular belief in some parts of the world, was far from a devout Muslim. He used Islam for his personal and political gain. Comparisons between he and the Dalai Lama are ridiculous.
2008-03-20 7:23 am
You have to be joking. Sadam was a butcher that killed 1000s, the Dalai Lama is a man of peace and a spiritual leader. Sadam desrved the fate he got and is best out of this world.
2008-03-20 7:23 am
cuz of bush u know how he is . plus dalai lama didn't declare war on innocent people like declaring war on kuwait. get ur background story right and compare people.
2016-10-01 3:12 pm
confident I trust Muse! Bodhi [enlightenment] and sattva [being]. And their reason at the back of starting to be a Buddha is to assist others. The Bodhisattva will submit to any form of suffering to assist yet another sentient being, no rely if a tiny insect or a extensive mammal. In Shakyamuni Buddha’s 'Perfection of awareness in 8,000 lines' it states: “i visit grow to be a savior to all those beings, i visit launch them from all their sufferings." If this sounds commonplace to anybody no longer familiar with Buddhism, then you extremely in basic terms could think of of the occasion of Jesus Christ, a real Bodhisattva in Buddhist custom. Now it form of feels that the hot Kadampa custom is making waves. i think of there is an ongoing feud with the Dali Lama, even organizing demonstrations in England approximately some doctrinal exchange the Dali Lama made some years decrease back. some critics have accused the NKT of having cult-like features and laying too lots tension on gathering contributions for shape of recent temples contained in the U.S. i'm not sure what variations the Dalai Lama has made. so a approaches as Jesus....... John 14:6 states...... Jesus responded, "i'm the way and the actuality and the existence. no person comprises the father different than by me." {:>)
2008-03-20 5:06 pm
Because Saddam was a genocidal madman and needed to be executed like the scum he was.
2008-03-20 7:39 am
This is NOT unfair to Saddam,but too "fair" to the Dalai Lama.

If the "invaders",or "freedom fighters",whatever,in Iraq are not the USArmy and their allied forces but the Russian or the Chinese army,the western society will praise Saddam too.
"Your enemy's enemy is your friend",right?
2008-03-20 7:29 am
No - they (Saddam and the Dalai Lama) have nothing in common. - Saddam was a dictator.
Tibet really has nothing to offer the World but glass beads and Buddhist wisdom if you personally follow that doctrine.
Iraq has oil. - I see nothing in common there.
2008-03-20 7:24 am
Um, jihad boy..Saddam is dead. Insha'allah.
2008-03-20 7:22 am
because the Dalai Lama didn't have a history of genocide (that I am aware of)...

people generally look down on genocide...

take away the whole "genocide/crazy murderer who was power hungry" thing... and I guess you could have a point...

but that's a pretty big thing to overlook
2008-03-20 7:22 am
Well, the Dalai Lama didn't personally execute some people, or release gas to kill Kurds, citizens of his own country.

But I do think the war in Iraw is wrong.
2008-03-21 5:18 am
1. US need a free Tibet to establish a military base there, so that US can contain China. But China owns Tibet, so Americans support free Tibet, and praise Dalai Lama. By the way, before communist took over Tibet, Tibet is a slavery state under Dalai Lama's rule, see
So Tibetans are not free at that time by American standards.

2. If Saddam is a tyrant but very cooperative with US government, then US government would support his rule in Iraq, no matter how many Kurds he killed.

3. Bush killed thousands of innocent Iraqis too, why the hell he's still live in this world, why Saddam deserves to die but Bush doesn't?

4. so why Saddam was hanged, because US want to get rid of him, he's not obedient. Why Dalai Lama is being praised, because US need him contain China.
2008-03-20 7:36 am
you forgot to mention that they were both dictators whose people had no recourse in any disagreement. The history of tibet isn't as rosy as richard gere makes it out to be.

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